Dataset Series (showing observations of recent periods)
ViewSeries NameGraphUnitJan-2024Feb-2024Mar-2024Apr-2024May-2024Jun-2024
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000101 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Australian Dollar186.22,182.16,182.54,180.78,184.15,184.96 PKR 186.22 182.16 182.54 180.78 184.15 184.96
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000202 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Bahraini Dinar743.62,740.98,739.5,737.95,738.11,738.69 PKR 743.62 740.98 739.50 737.95 738.11 738.69
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000303 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Canadian Dollar208.85,206.78,205.73,203.48,203.4,203.18 PKR 208.85 206.78 205.73 203.48 203.40 203.18
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000404 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Chinese Yuan39.1,38.81,38.7,38.43,38.49,38.39 PKR 39.10 38.81 38.70 38.43 38.49 38.39
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000505 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Danish Krone41,40.41,40.63,39.99,40.31,40.23 PKR 41.00 40.41 40.63 39.99 40.31 40.23
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000606 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Hong Kong Dollar35.86,35.7,35.64,35.55,35.64,35.67 PKR 35.86 35.70 35.64 35.55 35.64 35.67
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000707 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Japanese Yen1.92,1.87,1.86,1.81,1.79,1.76 PKR 1.92 1.87 1.86 1.81 1.79 1.76
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000808 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Kuwaiti Dinar909.6,903.46,905.47,902.97,905.05,907.27 PKR 909.60 903.46 905.47 902.97 905.05 907.27
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E000909 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Malaysian Ringgit59.75,58.41,59.04,58.33,58.95,59.09 PKR 59.75 58.41 59.04 58.33 58.95 59.09
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0010010 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per New Zealand Dollar173.06,170.91,169.46,165.72,168.8,171.06 PKR 173.06 170.91 169.46 165.72 168.80 171.06
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0011011 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Norwegian Krone26.96,26.47,26.27,25.51,25.88,26.29 PKR 26.96 26.47 26.27 25.51 25.88 26.29
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0012012 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Omani Rial728.4,725.58,723.83,722.57,722.93,723.37 PKR 728.40 725.58 723.83 722.57 722.93 723.37
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0013013 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Qatari Rial76.95,76.63,76.42,76.28,76.36,76.41 PKR 76.95 76.63 76.42 76.28 76.36 76.41
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0014014 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Singaporean Dollar209.75,207.52,207.82,204.93,205.86,205.92 PKR 209.75 207.52 207.82 204.93 205.86 205.92
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0015015 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Swedish Krone27.1,26.81,26.79,25.72,25.86,26.58 PKR 27.10 26.81 26.79 25.72 25.86 26.58
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0016016 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Swiss Franc326.57,318.27,313.6,305.74,305.83,311.19 PKR 326.57 318.27 313.60 305.74 305.83 311.19
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0017017 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Saudi Arabian Rial74.72,74.41,74.3,74.14,74.18,74.22 PKR 74.72 74.41 74.30 74.14 74.18 74.22
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0018018 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Thai Baht7.98,7.8,7.75,7.56,7.61,7.59 PKR 7.98 7.80 7.75 7.56 7.61 7.59
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0019019 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Turkish Lira9.33,9.07,8.71,8.6,8.64,8.56 PKR 9.33 9.07 8.71 8.60 8.64 8.56
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0020020 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per UAE Dirham76.32,75.99,75.87,75.74,75.76,75.8 PKR 76.32 75.99 75.87 75.74 75.76 75.80
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0021021 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per UK Pound Sterling355.94,352.47,354.02,347.91,351.2,354.08 PKR 355.94 352.47 354.02 347.91 351.20 354.08
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0022022 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per U.S. Dollar280.32,279.18,278.7,278.14,278.25,278.44 PKR 280.32 279.18 278.70 278.14 278.25 278.44
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0023023 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Euro305.73,301.22,302.87,298.19,300.56,299.95 PKR 305.73 301.22 302.87 298.19 300.56 299.95
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0024024 Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per SDR374.07,370.63,370.65,367.1,368.02,367.52 PKR 374.07 370.63 370.65 367.10 368.02 367.52
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0025025 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Australian Dollar1.66,2.23,-.21,.98,-1.83,-.44 Percent 1.66 2.23 -0.21 0.98 -1.83 -0.44
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0026026 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Bahraini Dinar1.07,.36,.2,.21,-.02,-.08 Percent 1.07 0.36 0.20 0.21 -0.02 -0.08
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0027027 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Canadian Dollar.95,1,.51,1.11,.04,.11 Percent 0.95 1.00 0.51 1.11 0.04 0.11
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0028028 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Chinese Yuan1.45,.72,.31,.68,-.14,.26 Percent 1.45 0.72 0.31 0.68 -0.14 0.26
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0029029 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Danish Krone1.05,1.47,-.54,1.59,-.79,.19 Percent 1.05 1.47 -0.54 1.59 -0.79 0.19
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0030030 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Hong Kong Dollar1.16,.47,.15,.27,-.26,-.08 Percent 1.16 0.47 0.15 0.27 -0.26 -0.08
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0031031 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Japanese Yen2.39,2.84,.39,2.87,1.26,1.27 Percent 2.39 2.84 0.39 2.87 1.26 1.27
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0032032 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Kuwaiti Dinar.98,.68,-.22,.28,-.23,-.24 Percent 0.98 0.68 -0.22 0.28 -0.23 -0.24
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0033033 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Malaysian Ringgit1.65,2.3,-1.07,1.21,-1.06,-.23 Percent 1.65 2.30 -1.07 1.21 -1.06 -0.23
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0034034 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per New Zealand Dollar1.72,1.26,.86,2.26,-1.83,-1.32 Percent 1.72 1.26 0.86 2.26 -1.83 -1.32
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0035035 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Norwegian Krone-.59,1.87,.75,2.97,-1.42,-1.56 Percent -0.59 1.87 0.75 2.97 -1.42 -1.56
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0036036 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Omani Rial1.05,.39,.24,.17,-.05,-.06 Percent 1.05 0.39 0.24 0.17 -0.05 -0.06
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0037037 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Qatari Rial1.04,.41,.28,.18,-.1,-.07 Percent 1.04 0.41 0.28 0.18 -0.10 -0.07
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0038038 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Singaporean Dollar1.3,1.08,-.15,1.41,-.45,-.03 Percent 1.30 1.08 -0.15 1.41 -0.45 -0.03
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0039039 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Swedish Krone1.81,1.1,.06,4.17,-.55,-2.69 Percent 1.81 1.10 0.06 4.17 -0.55 -2.69
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0040040 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Swiss Franc.13,2.61,1.49,2.57,-.03,-1.72 Percent 0.13 2.61 1.49 2.57 -0.03 -1.72
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0041041 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Saudi Arabian Rial1.05,.41,.16,.21,-.05,-.06 Percent 1.05 0.41 0.16 0.21 -0.05 -0.06
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0042042 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Thai Baht1.54,2.37,.54,2.52,-.56,.15 Percent 1.54 2.37 0.54 2.52 -0.56 0.15
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0043043 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Turkish Lira4.53,2.86,4.19,1.24,-.44,.87 Percent 4.53 2.86 4.19 1.24 -0.44 0.87
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0044044 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per UAE Dirham1.07,.44,.16,.18,-.03,-.05 Percent 1.07 0.44 0.16 0.18 -0.03 -0.05
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0045045 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per UK Pound Sterling.69,.99,-.44,1.75,-.94,-.81 Percent 0.69 0.99 -0.44 1.75 -0.94 -0.81
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0046046 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per U.S. Dollar1.06,.41,.17,.2,-.04,-.07 Percent 1.06 0.41 0.17 0.20 -0.04 -0.07
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0047047 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per Euro1.05,1.5,-.55,1.57,-.79,.2 Percent 1.05 1.50 -0.55 1.57 -0.79 0.20
Series Key = TS_GP_ER_FAERPKR_M.E0048048 App (+) / Dep (-) Average Exchange rate of Pak Rupees per SDR1.15,.93,-.01,.97,-.25,.14 Percent 1.15 0.93 -0.01 0.97 -0.25 0.14
row(s) 1 - 48 of 48
Dataset Overview
Business AreaExternal Sector
Dataset NameBank Floating Average Exchange Rates (PKR per National Currency)
Dataset DescriptionThis dataset is based on average bank floating exchange rate (PKR per National Currency) of 24 selected currencies.
Data SourceState Bank of Pakistan
Data FrequencyMonthly
Available SinceAug-1947
Available UptoJun-2024
Last Refresh Date04-Jul-2024

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