Dataset Series (showing observations of recent periods)
ViewSeries NameGraphUnitSep-2023Oct-2023Nov-2023Dec-2023Jan-2024Feb-2024
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00010Current account balance-136,-184,-15,404,-303,128Million USD -136.00 -184.00 -15.00 404.00 -303.00 128.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00020Current account balance without off. transfers-168,-217,-52,358,-340,88Million USD -168.00 -217.00 -52.00 358.00 -340.00 88.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00030            Exports of goods FOB2466,2764,2724,2795,2697,2556Million USD 2,466.00 2,764.00 2,724.00 2,795.00 2,697.00 2,556.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00040            Imports of goods FOB3953,4378,4442,4101,4554,4275Million USD 3,953.00 4,378.00 4,442.00 4,101.00 4,554.00 4,275.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00050            Balance on trade in goods-1487,-1614,-1718,-1306,-1857,-1719Million USD -1,487.00 -1,614.00 -1,718.00 -1,306.00 -1,857.00 -1,719.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00060            Exports of services563,594,631,731,682,627Million USD 563.00 594.00 631.00 731.00 682.00 627.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00070            Imports of services881,844,857,859,1013,785Million USD 881.00 844.00 857.00 859.00 1,013.00 785.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00080            Balance on trade in services-318,-250,-226,-128,-331,-158Million USD -318.00 -250.00 -226.00 -128.00 -331.00 -158.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00090      Balance on trade in goods and services-1805,-1864,-1944,-1434,-2188,-1877Million USD -1,805.00 -1,864.00 -1,944.00 -1,434.00 -2,188.00 -1,877.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00100            Primary income credit59,54,87,65,102,62Million USD 59.00 54.00 87.00 65.00 102.00 62.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00110            Primary income debit688,932,601,818,752,479Million USD 688.00 932.00 601.00 818.00 752.00 479.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00120            Balance on primary income-629,-878,-514,-753,-650,-417Million USD -629.00 -878.00 -514.00 -753.00 -650.00 -417.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00130      Balance on goods, services and primary income-2434,-2742,-2458,-2187,-2838,-2294Million USD -2,434.00 -2,742.00 -2,458.00 -2,187.00 -2,838.00 -2,294.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00140            Secondary income credit2334,2595,2477,2625,2571,2464Million USD 2,334.00 2,595.00 2,477.00 2,625.00 2,571.00 2,464.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00150                  General government33,34,38,46,40,48Million USD 33.00 34.00 38.00 46.00 40.00 48.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00160                        Current international cooperation0,1,1,2,0,1Million USD 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00170                        Other official current transfers33,33,37,44,40,47Million USD 33.00 33.00 37.00 44.00 40.00 47.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00180                  Financial corporations, non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs2301,2561,2439,2579,2531,2416Million USD 2,301.00 2,561.00 2,439.00 2,579.00 2,531.00 2,416.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00190                        Workers' remittances2208,2463,2259,2382,2398,2250Million USD 2,208.00 2,463.00 2,259.00 2,382.00 2,398.00 2,250.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00200                        Other personal transfers0,0,0,0,0,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00210                        Other current transfers93,98,180,197,133,166Million USD 93.00 98.00 180.00 197.00 133.00 166.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00220      Secondary income debit36,37,34,34,36,42Million USD 36.00 37.00 34.00 34.00 36.00 42.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00230      Balance on secondary income2298,2558,2443,2591,2535,2422Million USD 2,298.00 2,558.00 2,443.00 2,591.00 2,535.00 2,422.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00240Capital account balance20,14,19,15,15,14Million USD 20.00 14.00 19.00 15.00 15.00 14.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00250      Capital account credit20,14,19,15,16,15Million USD 20.00 14.00 19.00 15.00 16.00 15.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00260      Capital account debit0,0,0,0,1,1Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00270Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from current and capital accounts)-116,-170,4,419,-288,142Million USD -116.00 -170.00 4.00 419.00 -288.00 142.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00280Financial account-308,112,361,-1222,119,235Million USD -308.00 112.00 361.00 -1,222.00 119.00 235.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00290      Direct investment-168,-116,-127,-207,233,-122Million USD -168.00 -116.00 -127.00 -207.00 233.00 -122.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00300            Direct investment abroad4,6,4,4,60,9Million USD 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 60.00 9.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00310                  Equity and investment fund shares (including reinvested earnings)4,4,4,4,60,9Million USD 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 60.00 9.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00320                  Debt instruments0,2,0,0,0,0Million USD 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00330            Direct investment in Pakistan172,122,131,211,-173,131Million USD 172.00 122.00 131.00 211.00 -173.00 131.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00340                  Equity and investment fund shares (including reinvested earnings)159,96,145,199,-176,115Million USD 159.00 96.00 145.00 199.00 -176.00 115.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00350                  Debt instruments13,26,-14,12,3,16Million USD 13.00 26.00 -14.00 12.00 3.00 16.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00360      Portfolio investment17,-5,-24,-34,-26,-16Million USD 17.00 -5.00 -24.00 -34.00 -26.00 -16.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00370            Portfolio investment abroad0,0,0,0,-1,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00380                  Equity and investment fund shares0,0,0,0,0,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00390                  Debt securities0,0,0,0,-1,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00400            Portfolio investment in Pakistan-17,5,24,34,25,16Million USD -17.00 5.00 24.00 34.00 25.00 16.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00410                  Equity and investment fund shares-13,2,27,34,-34,10Million USD -13.00 2.00 27.00 34.00 -34.00 10.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00420                  Debt securities-4,3,-3,0,59,6Million USD -4.00 3.00 -3.00 0.00 59.00 6.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00430      Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options0,0,0,0,0,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00440      Other Investment-157,233,512,-981,-88,373Million USD -157.00 233.00 512.00 -981.00 -88.00 373.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00450            Net acquisition of financial assets-419,-147,170,90,29,334Million USD -419.00 -147.00 170.00 90.00 29.00 334.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00460                  Central Bank0,0,0,0,0,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00470                  Deposit-taking corporations-512,-65,274,13,-12,253Million USD -512.00 -65.00 274.00 13.00 -12.00 253.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00480                  General Government0,0,-2,1,0,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 -2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00490                  Other Sector93,-82,-102,76,41,81Million USD 93.00 -82.00 -102.00 76.00 41.00 81.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00500            Net incurrence of liabilities-262,-380,-342,1071,117,-39Million USD -262.00 -380.00 -342.00 1,071.00 117.00 -39.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00510                  Central Bank-3,0,0,0,0,0Million USD -3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00520                  Deposit-taking corporations-36,80,56,92,-22,-45Million USD -36.00 80.00 56.00 92.00 -22.00 -45.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00530                  General Government-211,-248,-251,1065,-235,20Million USD -211.00 -248.00 -251.00 1,065.00 -235.00 20.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00540                        Disbursements247,217,360,1537,256,229Million USD 247.00 217.00 360.00 1,537.00 256.00 229.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00550                              Credit and loans with the IMF (other than reserves)0,0,0,0,0,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00560                              Other Long-term144,117,260,1442,156,229Million USD 144.00 117.00 260.00 1,442.00 156.00 229.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00570                              Short-term103,100,100,95,100,0Million USD 103.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 100.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00580                        Amortization465,477,637,499,512,226Million USD 465.00 477.00 637.00 499.00 512.00 226.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00590                              Credit and loans with the IMF (other than reserves)0,167,0,0,169.39,0Million USD 0.00 167.00 0.00 0.00 169.39 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00600                              Other Long-term400,255,631,499,342.61,226Million USD 400.00 255.00 631.00 499.00 342.61 226.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00610                              Short-term65,55,6,0,0,0Million USD 65.00 55.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00620                        Other Liabilities (net)7,12,26,27,21,17Million USD 7.00 12.00 26.00 27.00 21.00 17.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00630                  Other Sector-12,-212,-147,-86,374,-14Million USD -12.00 -212.00 -147.00 -86.00 374.00 -14.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00640                        Disbursements56,9,16,23,1282,5Million USD 56.00 9.00 16.00 23.00 1,282.00 5.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00650                        Amortization65,218,153,157,214,47Million USD 65.00 218.00 153.00 157.00 214.00 47.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00660                        Other Liabilities (net)-3,-3,-10,48,-694,28Million USD -3.00 -3.00 -10.00 48.00 -694.00 28.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00665                  Allocation of SDRs0,0,0,0,0,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00670Net Errors and Omissions-163,110,-183,-162,-234,-65Million USD -163.00 110.00 -183.00 -162.00 -234.00 -65.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00680Overall Balance-29,172,540,-1479,641,158Million USD -29.00 172.00 540.00 -1,479.00 641.00 158.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00690Reserves and Related Items29,-172,-540,1479,-641,-158Million USD 29.00 -172.00 -540.00 1,479.00 -641.00 -158.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00700      Reserve Assets-176,-172,-540,1239,-59,-158Million USD -176.00 -172.00 -540.00 1,239.00 -59.00 -158.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00710      Use of Fund Credit and Loans-205,0,0,-240,582,0Million USD -205.00 0.00 0.00 -240.00 582.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00720      Exceptional Financing0,0,0,0,0,0Million USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Series Key = TS_GP_BOP_BPM6SUM_M.P00730SBP Gross Reserves8834.77,8659.07,8180.05,9442.64,9356,9193Million USD 8,834.77 8,659.07 8,180.05 9,442.64 9,356.00 9,193.00
row(s) 1 - 74 of 74
Dataset Overview
Business AreaExternal Sector
Dataset NameMonthly Summary of Balance of Payments as per BPM6
Dataset DescriptionThis dataset is based on all the transactions taken place between residents of Pakistan with the non-residents (rest of the world) as per IMF BPM6.

This dataset is available from July FY14 till date. The use of signs in the BPM6 presentation is as follows:

(i) in current and capital account, both credits and debits are registered with positive signs;

(ii) in the financial account, increases in assets and liabilities are registered with positive signs, and decreases with negative signs.

The net positions of current and capital accounts in BOP statement is arrived at by deducting debits from credits and for financial account as Net Acquisition of Financial Assets (NAFA) less Net Incurrence of Liabilities (NIL). Monthly data is based on estimates which are subject to revision on monthly, quarterly and annual basis.

For explanation on data compilation methodology, please click here.

Data SourceState Bank of Pakistan
Data FrequencyMonthly
Available SinceJul-2013
Available UptoFeb-2024
Last Refresh Date19-Mar-2024

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