| Opening Balance SCRA | 28793,26425,25903,32767.85,25760.71,31197 | Million PKR | 28,793.00 | 26,425.00 | 25,903.00 | 32,767.85 | 25,760.71 | 31,197.00 |
| Inflow : Inward Remittances-Credit | 23841,3687,2155,1281.85,12161.82,8006.09 | Million PKR | 23,841.00 | 3,687.00 | 2,155.00 | 1,281.85 | 12,161.82 | 8,006.09 |
| Sale of Securities-Credit (A) | 27358,8791,35730,7401.1,16706.79,13634.72 | Million PKR | 27,358.00 | 8,791.00 | 35,730.00 | 7,401.10 | 16,706.79 | 13,634.72 |
| Dividend and Coupon Payment Received through SCRA-Credit | 7,15,2,.43,78.83,363.04 | Million PKR | 7.00 | 15.00 | 2.00 | 0.43 | 78.83 | 363.04 |
| Outflow : Outward Remittances-Debit | 7734,5112,17776,7751.13,7252.04,6820.55 | Million PKR | 7,734.00 | 5,112.00 | 17,776.00 | 7,751.13 | 7,252.04 | 6,820.55 |
| Purchase of Securities-Debit (B) | 45829,7720,12976,7937.47,16246.87,20380.04 | Million PKR | 45,829.00 | 7,720.00 | 12,976.00 | 7,937.47 | 16,246.87 | 20,380.04 |
| Tax Paid through SCRA-Debit | 11,183,271,1.92,12.23,9.42 | Million PKR | 11.00 | 183.00 | 271.00 | 1.92 | 12.23 | 9.42 |
| Closing Balance SCRA | 26425,25903,32768,25760.71,31197,25990.81 | Million PKR | 26,425.00 | 25,903.00 | 32,768.00 | 25,760.71 | 31,197.00 | 25,990.81 |
| Purchase/Sale of Securities (Net) (A-B) | 18471,-1071,-22755,536.37,-459.92,6745.32 | Million PKR | 18,471.00 | -1,071.00 | -22,755.00 | 536.37 | -459.92 | 6,745.32 |
| Opening Market Value of Equity | 506934,496752,491367,493147.11,485486.32,485050.32 | Million PKR | 506,934.00 | 496,752.00 | 491,367.00 | 493,147.11 | 485,486.32 | 485,050.32 |
| Closing Market Value of Equity | 496752,491367,492362,485486.32,485050.32,487050.87 | Million PKR | 496,752.00 | 491,367.00 | 492,362.00 | 485,486.32 | 485,050.32 | 487,050.87 |
| Opening Market Value of TBills | 170967,187112,188997,165090.82,165467.57,164149.33 | Million PKR | 170,967.00 | 187,112.00 | 188,997.00 | 165,090.82 | 165,467.57 | 164,149.33 |
| Closing Market Value of TBills | 187112,188997,165091,165467.57,164149.33,170614.46 | Million PKR | 187,112.00 | 188,997.00 | 165,091.00 | 165,467.57 | 164,149.33 | 170,614.46 |
| Opening Market Value of PIBs | 7379,7379,7968,7781.39,7824.87,7892 | Million PKR | 7,379.00 | 7,379.00 | 7,968.00 | 7,781.39 | 7,824.87 | 7,892.00 |
| Closing Market Value of PIBs | 7379,7968,7781,7824.87,7892,7894.39 | Million PKR | 7,379.00 | 7,968.00 | 7,781.00 | 7,824.87 | 7,892.00 | 7,894.39 |
| |
Business Area | External Sector | Dataset Name | Special Convertible Rupee Accounts (SCRA) Weekly Position | Dataset Description | This dataset helps to look on daily/weekly inflows/outflows, opening/closing Balances, Investment/Disinvestment, Dividend, Tax and opening/closing market value of securities in SCRA on weekly basis. This data is available on SBP website and on portal from 7th July 2007
For explanation on data compilation methodology, please click here. | Data Source | State Bank of Pakistan | Data Frequency | Weekly | Status | Active | Available Since | 07-Jul-2007 | Available Upto | 30-Aug-2024 | Last Refresh Date | 09-Sep-2024 | |