| Services-Cr | 700909,646034,695672,636596.42,632878.12,619725.42 | Thousand USD | 700,909.00 | 646,034.00 | 695,672.00 | 636,596.42 | 632,878.12 | 619,725.42 |
| 1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 1.1 Manufacturing -Goods for processing in reporting economy -Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 1.2 Manufacturing -Goods for processing abroad -Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.-Cr | 30,70,750,430.2,813.36,807.39 | Thousand USD | 30.00 | 70.00 | 750.00 | 430.20 | 813.36 | 807.39 |
| 3 Transport-Cr | 56960,52980,57990,56096.2,70336.12,68827.32 | Thousand USD | 56,960.00 | 52,980.00 | 57,990.00 | 56,096.20 | 70,336.12 | 68,827.32 |
| 3.1 Sea transport-Cr | 17800,17400,18500,17860.52,17446,18247.58 | Thousand USD | 17,800.00 | 17,400.00 | 18,500.00 | 17,860.52 | 17,446.00 | 18,247.58 |
| 3.1.1 Sea Transport-Passenger-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.1.2 Sea Transport- Freight-Cr | 9340,9460,9700,9978.91,9484.53,10187.34 | Thousand USD | 9,340.00 | 9,460.00 | 9,700.00 | 9,978.91 | 9,484.53 | 10,187.34 |
| 3.1.3 Sea Transport-Other-Cr | 8460,7940,8800,7881.61,7961.47,8060.24 | Thousand USD | 8,460.00 | 7,940.00 | 8,800.00 | 7,881.61 | 7,961.47 | 8,060.24 |
| 3.2 Air transport-Cr | 35480,33870,36130,34334.22,47452.53,47052.75 | Thousand USD | 35,480.00 | 33,870.00 | 36,130.00 | 34,334.22 | 47,452.53 | 47,052.75 |
| 3.2.1 Air transport -Passenger-Cr | 22890,22670,22860,23094.25,23162.35,23331.43 | Thousand USD | 22,890.00 | 22,670.00 | 22,860.00 | 23,094.25 | 23,162.35 | 23,331.43 |
| 3.2.2 Air transport-Freight-Cr | 1290,1360,2020,2026.27,3054.89,2655.94 | Thousand USD | 1,290.00 | 1,360.00 | 2,020.00 | 2,026.27 | 3,054.89 | 2,655.94 |
| 3.2.3 Air transport-Other-Cr | 11300,9840,11250,9213.7,21235.29,21065.37 | Thousand USD | 11,300.00 | 9,840.00 | 11,250.00 | 9,213.70 | 21,235.29 | 21,065.37 |
| 3.3 Road transport-Cr | 3010,1520,2550,2086.72,2413.91,2971.1 | Thousand USD | 3,010.00 | 1,520.00 | 2,550.00 | 2,086.72 | 2,413.91 | 2,971.10 |
| 3.3.1 Road transport-Passenger-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.3.2 Road transport -Freight-Cr | 440,160,550,438.71,542.33,713.57 | Thousand USD | 440.00 | 160.00 | 550.00 | 438.71 | 542.33 | 713.57 |
| 3.3.3 Road transport- Other-Cr | 2570,1360,2000,1648,1871.57,2257.53 | Thousand USD | 2,570.00 | 1,360.00 | 2,000.00 | 1,648.00 | 1,871.57 | 2,257.53 |
| 3.4 Rail transport-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.1 Rail transport -Passenger-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.2 Rail transport- Freight-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.3 Rail transport- Other-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.5 Transport-Postal and courier services-Cr | 670,190,810,1814.74,3010.38,554.88 | Thousand USD | 670.00 | 190.00 | 810.00 | 1,814.74 | 3,010.38 | 554.88 |
| 3.6 Transport -Electricity transmission-Cr | 0,0,0,0,13.31,1.01 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 13.31 | 1.01 |
| 3.7 Transport-Other supporting and auxiliary transport service-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 4 Travel-Cr | 60010,68020,65970,59912.65,59103.09,52210.68 | Thousand USD | 60,010.00 | 68,020.00 | 65,970.00 | 59,912.65 | 59,103.09 | 52,210.68 |
| 4.1 Travel-Business-Cr | 860,670,540,0,1107.62,794.74 | Thousand USD | 860.00 | 670.00 | 540.00 | 0.00 | 1,107.62 | 794.74 |
| 4.1.1 Travel-Business -Acquisition of goods and services by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 4.1.2 Travel-Business-Other-Cr | 860,670,540,0,1107.62,794.74 | Thousand USD | 860.00 | 670.00 | 540.00 | 0.00 | 1,107.62 | 794.74 |
| 4.2 Travel -Personal-Cr | 59150,67350,65430,59912.65,57995.46,51415.94 | Thousand USD | 59,150.00 | 67,350.00 | 65,430.00 | 59,912.65 | 57,995.46 | 51,415.94 |
| 4.2.1 Travel -Personal -Health-related expenditure-Cr | 1210,1880,2620,2384.9,1908.03,1448.41 | Thousand USD | 1,210.00 | 1,880.00 | 2,620.00 | 2,384.90 | 1,908.03 | 1,448.41 |
| 4.2.2 Travel -Personal -Education-related expenditure-Cr | 1760,1210,1280,773.96,2310.06,1408.96 | Thousand USD | 1,760.00 | 1,210.00 | 1,280.00 | 773.96 | 2,310.06 | 1,408.96 |
| 4.2.3 Travel -Personal- Other-Cr | 56180,64260,61530,56753.79,53777.37,48558.56 | Thousand USD | 56,180.00 | 64,260.00 | 61,530.00 | 56,753.79 | 53,777.37 | 48,558.56 |
| Travel -Personal-Other-Religious travel -Cr | 393,880,1436,233.03,32,20.17 | Thousand USD | 393.00 | 880.00 | 1,436.00 | 233.03 | 32.00 | 20.17 |
| Travel -Personal- Other-Other-Cr | 55787,63380,60094,56520.76,53745.38,48538.39 | Thousand USD | 55,787.00 | 63,380.00 | 60,094.00 | 56,520.76 | 53,745.38 | 48,538.39 |
| 5 Construction -Cr | 8980,1989,5040,4723.54,6710.33,3776.01 | Thousand USD | 8,980.00 | 1,989.00 | 5,040.00 | 4,723.54 | 6,710.33 | 3,776.01 |
| 5.1 Construction abroad-Cr | 8980,1989,5040,4723.54,6710.33,3776.01 | Thousand USD | 8,980.00 | 1,989.00 | 5,040.00 | 4,723.54 | 6,710.33 | 3,776.01 |
| 5.2 Construction in the compiling economy-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 6 Insurance and Pension services-Cr | 11971,5021,6011,3712.17,6910.49,8097.69 | Thousand USD | 11,971.00 | 5,021.00 | 6,011.00 | 3,712.17 | 6,910.49 | 8,097.69 |
| 6.1 Direct Insurance-Cr | 9050,2330,3300,358.91,1476.92,585.03 | Thousand USD | 9,050.00 | 2,330.00 | 3,300.00 | 358.91 | 1,476.92 | 585.03 |
| 6.1.1¿ Direct Insurance-Life insurance-Cr | 0,180,1210,248.12,293.72,385.94 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 180.00 | 1,210.00 | 248.12 | 293.72 | 385.94 |
| 6.1.2 Direct Insurance-Freight insurance-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 6.1.3 Direct Insurance-Other direct insurance-Cr | 9050,2150,2090,110.79,1183.2,199.09 | Thousand USD | 9,050.00 | 2,150.00 | 2,090.00 | 110.79 | 1,183.20 | 199.09 |
| 6.2 Insurance and Pension services-Reinsurance-Cr | 183,597,989,1682.31,2996.91,5759.92 | Thousand USD | 183.00 | 597.00 | 989.00 | 1,682.31 | 2,996.91 | 5,759.92 |
| 6.3 Insurance and Pension services-Auxiliary insurance services-Cr | 2738,2094,1722,1670.96,2436.67,1752.74 | Thousand USD | 2,738.00 | 2,094.00 | 1,722.00 | 1,670.96 | 2,436.67 | 1,752.74 |
| 6.4 Insurance and Pension services-Pension and standardized guarantee -Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 7 Financial services-Cr | 5040,4977,5960,4669.44,5586.54,4381.8 | Thousand USD | 5,040.00 | 4,977.00 | 5,960.00 | 4,669.44 | 5,586.54 | 4,381.80 |
| 7.1 Financial services-Explicitly charged and other financial services-Cr | 5040,4977,5960,4669.44,5586.54,4381.8 | Thousand USD | 5,040.00 | 4,977.00 | 5,960.00 | 4,669.44 | 5,586.54 | 4,381.80 |
| 7.2 Financial services-Financial intermediation service charges indirectly measured (FISIM)-Cr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.-Cr | 960,988,970,598.23,820.19,1743.31 | Thousand USD | 960.00 | 988.00 | 970.00 | 598.23 | 820.19 | 1,743.31 |
| 9 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Cr | 305980,309985,332040,297753.7,286395.86,298170.36 | Thousand USD | 305,980.00 | 309,985.00 | 332,040.00 | 297,753.70 | 286,395.86 | 298,170.36 |
| 9.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Telecommunications services-Cr | 36620,35790,65510,67005.3,37053.97,53822.83 | Thousand USD | 36,620.00 | 35,790.00 | 65,510.00 | 67,005.30 | 37,053.97 | 53,822.83 |
| 9.1.1 Telecommunications services-Call centres-Cr | 25139,20868,25833,25441.96,21367.92,23759.6 | Thousand USD | 25,139.00 | 20,868.00 | 25,833.00 | 25,441.96 | 21,367.92 | 23,759.60 |
| 9.1.2 Telecommunications services-Telecommunication services -Cr | 11481,14922,39677,41563.33,15686.06,30063.23 | Thousand USD | 11,481.00 | 14,922.00 | 39,677.00 | 41,563.33 | 15,686.06 | 30,063.23 |
| 9.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Cr | 264960,272590,265760,230550.3,248899.38,239140.79 | Thousand USD | 264,960.00 | 272,590.00 | 265,760.00 | 230,550.30 | 248,899.38 | 239,140.79 |
| 9.2.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Hardware consultancy services -Cr | 183,721,435,677.12,305.03,992.73 | Thousand USD | 183.00 | 721.00 | 435.00 | 677.12 | 305.03 | 992.73 |
| 9.2.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Software consultancy services -Cr | 72752,84273,91394,77262.04,86103.89,80878.34 | Thousand USD | 72,752.00 | 84,273.00 | 91,394.00 | 77,262.04 | 86,103.89 | 80,878.34 |
| 9.2.3 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Maintenance & repairs of computer-Cr | 6,46,24,31.34,490.75,42.01 | Thousand USD | 6.00 | 46.00 | 24.00 | 31.34 | 490.75 | 42.01 |
| 9.2.4 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Export / Import of Computer Software -Cr | 54456,61114,58161,50233.61,50868.43,40073.53 | Thousand USD | 54,456.00 | 61,114.00 | 58,161.00 | 50,233.61 | 50,868.43 | 40,073.53 |
| 9.2.5 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Other Computer services-Cr | 137563,126436,115746,102346.2,111131.28,117154.19 | Thousand USD | 137,563.00 | 126,436.00 | 115,746.00 | 102,346.20 | 111,131.28 | 117,154.19 |
| 9.3 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-Cr | 4400,1605,770,198.1,442.5,5206.74 | Thousand USD | 4,400.00 | 1,605.00 | 770.00 | 198.10 | 442.50 | 5,206.74 |
| 9.3.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-News agency services-Cr | 4326,617,606,103.02,314.43,5104.86 | Thousand USD | 4,326.00 | 617.00 | 606.00 | 103.02 | 314.43 | 5,104.86 |
| 9.3.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-Other information services-Cr | 74,988,164,95.08,128.07,101.88 | Thousand USD | 74.00 | 988.00 | 164.00 | 95.08 | 128.07 | 101.88 |
| 10 Other business services-Cr | 146978,103964,123951,118258.29,127732.67,127092.74 | Thousand USD | 146,978.00 | 103,964.00 | 123,951.00 | 118,258.29 | 127,732.67 | 127,092.74 |
| 10.1 Other business services-Research and development services-Cr | 3020,4180,2510,2850.94,4254.2,1446.16 | Thousand USD | 3,020.00 | 4,180.00 | 2,510.00 | 2,850.94 | 4,254.20 | 1,446.16 |
| 10.2 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Cr | 34670,33810,34380,33106.15,35425.55,38818.11 | Thousand USD | 34,670.00 | 33,810.00 | 34,380.00 | 33,106.15 | 35,425.55 | 38,818.11 |
| 10.2.1 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Cr | 24350,24720,24070,24306.81,26924.43,29831.5 | Thousand USD | 24,350.00 | 24,720.00 | 24,070.00 | 24,306.81 | 26,924.43 | 29,831.50 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Legal services-Cr | 1680,2140,2420,1345.81,1471.11,1555.07 | Thousand USD | 1,680.00 | 2,140.00 | 2,420.00 | 1,345.81 | 1,471.11 | 1,555.07 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, and tax consulting services-Cr | 6550,3360,5800,7841.19,4890.98,4703.1 | Thousand USD | 6,550.00 | 3,360.00 | 5,800.00 | 7,841.19 | 4,890.98 | 4,703.10 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Business and management consulting and public relations services-Cr | 16120,19220,15850,15119.81,20562.35,23573.33 | Thousand USD | 16,120.00 | 19,220.00 | 15,850.00 | 15,119.81 | 20,562.35 | 23,573.33 |
| 10.2.2 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Advertising, market research, and public opinion polling-Cr | 10320,9090,10310,8799.35,8501.12,8986.61 | Thousand USD | 10,320.00 | 9,090.00 | 10,310.00 | 8,799.35 | 8,501.12 | 8,986.61 |
| 10.3 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Cr | 109288,65974,87061,82301.19,88052.92,86828.47 | Thousand USD | 109,288.00 | 65,974.00 | 87,061.00 | 82,301.19 | 88,052.92 | 86,828.47 |
| 10.3.1 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Architectural, engineering, scientific and other technical services-Cr | 12250,6190,8380,6913.27,8567.38,9063.02 | Thousand USD | 12,250.00 | 6,190.00 | 8,380.00 | 6,913.27 | 8,567.38 | 9,063.02 |
| 10.3.2 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services- Waste treatment and de-pollution, agricultural and mining services-Cr | 0,20,0,345.69,47.2,29.26 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 345.69 | 47.20 | 29.26 |
| 10.3.3 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Operating leasing services-Cr | 0,0,10,20.06,.24,1.22 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.00 | 20.06 | 0.24 | 1.22 |
| 10.3.4 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Trade-related services-Cr | 112,23,56,2938.95,2518.58,1367.48 | Thousand USD | 112.00 | 23.00 | 56.00 | 2,938.95 | 2,518.58 | 1,367.48 |
| 10.3.5 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Other business services n.i.e.-Cr | 96926,59741,78615,72083.21,76919.53,76367.49 | Thousand USD | 96,926.00 | 59,741.00 | 78,615.00 | 72,083.21 | 76,919.53 | 76,367.49 |
| 11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Cr | 2010,2010,1980,2455.05,2040.37,2637.13 | Thousand USD | 2,010.00 | 2,010.00 | 1,980.00 | 2,455.05 | 2,040.37 | 2,637.13 |
| 11.1 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-Cr | 1120,1210,1230,1401.81,1450.39,755.91 | Thousand USD | 1,120.00 | 1,210.00 | 1,230.00 | 1,401.81 | 1,450.39 | 755.91 |
| 11.1.1 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-Audiovisual services-Cr | 1116,1210,1225,1401.27,1449.85,755.37 | Thousand USD | 1,116.00 | 1,210.00 | 1,225.00 | 1,401.27 | 1,449.85 | 755.37 |
| 11.1.2 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-Artistic related services-Cr | 4,0,5,.54,.54,.54 | Thousand USD | 4.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 | 0.54 | 0.54 | 0.54 |
| 11.2 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Other personal, cultural, and recreational services-Cr | 890,800,750,1053.24,589.98,1881.21 | Thousand USD | 890.00 | 800.00 | 750.00 | 1,053.24 | 589.98 | 1,881.21 |
| 12 Government goods and services n.i.e.-Cr | 101990,96030,95010,87986.95,66429.09,51980.99 | Thousand USD | 101,990.00 | 96,030.00 | 95,010.00 | 87,986.95 | 66,429.09 | 51,980.99 |
| 12.1 Government goods and services n.i.e. -Embassies and consulates-Cr | 11750,11540,5500,11627.99,14333.02,7994.1 | Thousand USD | 11,750.00 | 11,540.00 | 5,500.00 | 11,627.99 | 14,333.02 | 7,994.10 |
| 12.2 Government goods and services n.i.e.-Military units and agencies-Cr | 29000,400,8670,21701.18,2665.12,680.81 | Thousand USD | 29,000.00 | 400.00 | 8,670.00 | 21,701.18 | 2,665.12 | 680.81 |
| 12.3 Government goods and services n.i.e.-Other-Cr | 61240,84090,80840,54657.78,49430.95,43306.09 | Thousand USD | 61,240.00 | 84,090.00 | 80,840.00 | 54,657.78 | 49,430.95 | 43,306.09 |
| Services Services-dr | 832901,833064,860021,1045435.56,823333.81,900976.82 | Thousand USD | 832,901.00 | 833,064.00 | 860,021.00 | 1,045,435.56 | 823,333.81 | 900,976.82 |
| 1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 1.1 Manufacturing -Goods for processing in reporting economy -dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 1.2 Manufacturing -Goods for processing abroad -dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.-dr | 4960,7030,5030,4860.73,4857.28,4857.28 | Thousand USD | 4,960.00 | 7,030.00 | 5,030.00 | 4,860.73 | 4,857.28 | 4,857.28 |
| 3 Transport-dr | 315960,349040,347030,325032.35,376426.36,371761.84 | Thousand USD | 315,960.00 | 349,040.00 | 347,030.00 | 325,032.35 | 376,426.36 | 371,761.84 |
| 3.1 Sea transport-dr | 199670,216660,217260,211130.58,223257.8,217283.5 | Thousand USD | 199,670.00 | 216,660.00 | 217,260.00 | 211,130.58 | 223,257.80 | 217,283.50 |
| 3.1.1 Sea Transport-Passenger-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.1.2 Sea Transport- Freight-dr | 186510,203810,204150,200357.98,212535.15,206471.69 | Thousand USD | 186,510.00 | 203,810.00 | 204,150.00 | 200,357.98 | 212,535.15 | 206,471.69 |
| 3.1.3 Sea Transport-Other-dr | 13160,12850,13110,10772.6,10722.65,10811.81 | Thousand USD | 13,160.00 | 12,850.00 | 13,110.00 | 10,772.60 | 10,722.65 | 10,811.81 |
| 3.2 Air transport-dr | 102620,99490,102550,91457.43,129697.01,128242 | Thousand USD | 102,620.00 | 99,490.00 | 102,550.00 | 91,457.43 | 129,697.01 | 128,242.00 |
| 3.2.1 Air transport -Passenger-dr | 91490,88460,91490,82495.74,100308.92,100566.63 | Thousand USD | 91,490.00 | 88,460.00 | 91,490.00 | 82,495.74 | 100,308.92 | 100,566.63 |
| 3.2.2 Air transport-Freight-dr | 4380,4410,4440,2498.7,3742.59,2257.94 | Thousand USD | 4,380.00 | 4,410.00 | 4,440.00 | 2,498.70 | 3,742.59 | 2,257.94 |
| 3.2.3 Air transport-Other-dr | 6750,6620,6620,6463,25645.5,25417.43 | Thousand USD | 6,750.00 | 6,620.00 | 6,620.00 | 6,463.00 | 25,645.50 | 25,417.43 |
| 3.3 Road transport-dr | 8780,9130,13430,8062.97,9241.32,13343.05 | Thousand USD | 8,780.00 | 9,130.00 | 13,430.00 | 8,062.97 | 9,241.32 | 13,343.05 |
| 3.3.1 Road transport-Passenger-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.3.2 Road transport -Freight-dr | 3910,380,4380,275.26,374.59,454.48 | Thousand USD | 3,910.00 | 380.00 | 4,380.00 | 275.26 | 374.59 | 454.48 |
| 3.3.3 Road transport- Other-dr | 4870,8750,9050,7787.71,8866.74,12888.56 | Thousand USD | 4,870.00 | 8,750.00 | 9,050.00 | 7,787.71 | 8,866.74 | 12,888.56 |
| 3.4 Rail transport-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.1 Rail transport -Passenger-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.2 Rail transport- Freight-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.2 Rail transport- Other-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.5 Transport-Postal and courier services-dr | 4890,23760,13790,14381.37,14057.74,12865.58 | Thousand USD | 4,890.00 | 23,760.00 | 13,790.00 | 14,381.37 | 14,057.74 | 12,865.58 |
| 3.6 Transport -Electricity transmission-dr | 0,0,0,0,172.49,27.71 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 172.49 | 27.71 |
| 3.7 Transport-Other supporting and auxiliary transport service-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 4 Travel-dr | 273960,212010,208970,131693.32,181100.93,179913.49 | Thousand USD | 273,960.00 | 212,010.00 | 208,970.00 | 131,693.32 | 181,100.93 | 179,913.49 |
| 4.1 Travel-Business-dr | 14330,750,920,0,2231.07,2104.95 | Thousand USD | 14,330.00 | 750.00 | 920.00 | 0.00 | 2,231.07 | 2,104.95 |
| 4.1.1 Travel-Business -Acquisition of goods and services by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 4.1.2 Travel-Business-Other-dr | 14330,750,920,0,2231.07,2104.95 | Thousand USD | 14,330.00 | 750.00 | 920.00 | 0.00 | 2,231.07 | 2,104.95 |
| 4.2 Travel -Personal-dr | 259630,211260,208050,131693.32,178869.86,177808.54 | Thousand USD | 259,630.00 | 211,260.00 | 208,050.00 | 131,693.32 | 178,869.86 | 177,808.54 |
| 4.2.1 Travel -Personal -Health-related expenditure-dr | 0,140,0,227.84,672.59,961.24 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 140.00 | 0.00 | 227.84 | 672.59 | 961.24 |
| 4.2.2 Travel -Personal -Education-related expenditure-dr | 30260,29270,37790,58153.19,58873.09,53007.23 | Thousand USD | 30,260.00 | 29,270.00 | 37,790.00 | 58,153.19 | 58,873.09 | 53,007.23 |
| 4.2.3 Travel -Personal- Other-dr | 229370,181850,170260,73312.29,119324.18,123840.08 | Thousand USD | 229,370.00 | 181,850.00 | 170,260.00 | 73,312.29 | 119,324.18 | 123,840.08 |
| Travel -Personal-Other-Religious travel -dr | 133277,102191,89981,1283.22,2898.5,2648.79 | Thousand USD | 133,277.00 | 102,191.00 | 89,981.00 | 1,283.22 | 2,898.50 | 2,648.79 |
| Travel -Personal- Other-Other-dr | 96093,79659,80279,72029.07,116425.68,121191.29 | Thousand USD | 96,093.00 | 79,659.00 | 80,279.00 | 72,029.07 | 116,425.68 | 121,191.29 |
| 5 Construction -dr | 7980,2990,4020,3333.5,2911.56,1981.79 | Thousand USD | 7,980.00 | 2,990.00 | 4,020.00 | 3,333.50 | 2,911.56 | 1,981.79 |
| 5.1 Construction abroad-dr | 7980,2990,4020,3333.5,1918.53,1981.79 | Thousand USD | 7,980.00 | 2,990.00 | 4,020.00 | 3,333.50 | 1,918.53 | 1,981.79 |
| 5.2 Construction in the compiling economy-dr | 0,0,0,0,993.03,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 993.03 | 0.00 |
| 6 Insurance and Pension services-dr | 27978,14029,27021,23434.14,29784.08,59687.71 | Thousand USD | 27,978.00 | 14,029.00 | 27,021.00 | 23,434.14 | 29,784.08 | 59,687.71 |
| 6.1 Direct Insurance-dr | 10230,2260,2340,8676.54,11052.04,13248.1 | Thousand USD | 10,230.00 | 2,260.00 | 2,340.00 | 8,676.54 | 11,052.04 | 13,248.10 |
| 6.1.1¿ Direct Insurance-Life insurance-dr | 0,0,0,353.68,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 353.68 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 6.1.2 Direct Insurance-Freight insurance-dr | 480,400,630,1158.69,1448.69,528.69 | Thousand USD | 480.00 | 400.00 | 630.00 | 1,158.69 | 1,448.69 | 528.69 |
| 6.1.3 Direct Insurance-Other direct insurance-dr | 9750,1860,1710,7164.18,9603.35,12719.41 | Thousand USD | 9,750.00 | 1,860.00 | 1,710.00 | 7,164.18 | 9,603.35 | 12,719.41 |
| 6.2 Insurance and Pension services-Reinsurance-dr | 17729,11761,24632,14742.75,18615.65,46436.6 | Thousand USD | 17,729.00 | 11,761.00 | 24,632.00 | 14,742.75 | 18,615.65 | 46,436.60 |
| 6.3 Insurance and Pension services-Auxiliary insurance services-dr | 19,8,49,14.85,116.39,3 | Thousand USD | 19.00 | 8.00 | 49.00 | 14.85 | 116.39 | 3.00 |
| 6.4 Insurance and Pension services-Pension and standardized guarantee -dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 7 Financial services-dr | 43990,36970,38030,29931.86,42650.21,48162.36 | Thousand USD | 43,990.00 | 36,970.00 | 38,030.00 | 29,931.86 | 42,650.21 | 48,162.36 |
| 7.1 Financial services-Explicitly charged and other financial services-dr | 43990,36970,38030,29931.86,42650.21,48162.36 | Thousand USD | 43,990.00 | 36,970.00 | 38,030.00 | 29,931.86 | 42,650.21 | 48,162.36 |
| 7.2 Financial services-Financial intermediation service charges indirectly measured (FISIM)-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.-dr | 12970,14025,46970,27306.84,21098.77,30430.03 | Thousand USD | 12,970.00 | 14,025.00 | 46,970.00 | 27,306.84 | 21,098.77 | 30,430.03 |
| 9 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-dr | 31050,26965,39960,41603.76,34264.39,41206.83 | Thousand USD | 31,050.00 | 26,965.00 | 39,960.00 | 41,603.76 | 34,264.39 | 41,206.83 |
| 9.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Telecommunications services-dr | 2570,8130,4760,13685.92,1280.32,5836.46 | Thousand USD | 2,570.00 | 8,130.00 | 4,760.00 | 13,685.92 | 1,280.32 | 5,836.46 |
| 9.1.1 Telecommunications services-Call centres-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,.51 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.51 |
| 9.1.2 Telecommunications services-Telecommunication services -dr | 2570,8130,4760,13685.92,1280.32,5835.95 | Thousand USD | 2,570.00 | 8,130.00 | 4,760.00 | 13,685.92 | 1,280.32 | 5,835.95 |
| 9.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-dr | 27880,18275,34830,27478.69,32415.11,34837.89 | Thousand USD | 27,880.00 | 18,275.00 | 34,830.00 | 27,478.69 | 32,415.11 | 34,837.89 |
| 9.2.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Hardware consultancy services -dr | 83,0,296,107.65,57.74,0 | Thousand USD | 83.00 | 0.00 | 296.00 | 107.65 | 57.74 | 0.00 |
| 9.2.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Software consultancy services -dr | 16209,8969,19022,14308.38,18900.57,20848.75 | Thousand USD | 16,209.00 | 8,969.00 | 19,022.00 | 14,308.38 | 18,900.57 | 20,848.75 |
| 9.2.3 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Maintenance & repairs of computer-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 9.2.4 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Export / Import of Computer Software -dr | 9934,7107,11757,10382.81,11997.35,11035.55 | Thousand USD | 9,934.00 | 7,107.00 | 11,757.00 | 10,382.81 | 11,997.35 | 11,035.55 |
| 9.2.5 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Other Computer services-dr | 1654,2199,3755,2679.84,1459.45,2953.59 | Thousand USD | 1,654.00 | 2,199.00 | 3,755.00 | 2,679.84 | 1,459.45 | 2,953.59 |
| 9.3 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-dr | 600,560,370,439.16,568.96,532.48 | Thousand USD | 600.00 | 560.00 | 370.00 | 439.16 | 568.96 | 532.48 |
| 9.3.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-News agency services-dr | 564,537,348,396.84,530.64,515.67 | Thousand USD | 564.00 | 537.00 | 348.00 | 396.84 | 530.64 | 515.67 |
| 9.3.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-Other information services-dr | 36,23,22,42.31,38.32,16.81 | Thousand USD | 36.00 | 23.00 | 22.00 | 42.31 | 38.32 | 16.81 |
| 10 Other business services-dr | 102013,139010,103990,388918.61,95587.07,114330.02 | Thousand USD | 102,013.00 | 139,010.00 | 103,990.00 | 388,918.61 | 95,587.07 | 114,330.02 |
| 10.1 Other business services-Research and development services-dr | 300,290,260,225.13,159.5,368.91 | Thousand USD | 300.00 | 290.00 | 260.00 | 225.13 | 159.50 | 368.91 |
| 10.2 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-dr | 17590,15940,14280,13234,10748.27,16192.4 | Thousand USD | 17,590.00 | 15,940.00 | 14,280.00 | 13,234.00 | 10,748.27 | 16,192.40 |
| 10.2.1 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-dr | 5420,9780,4400,4699.1,5772.85,12347.47 | Thousand USD | 5,420.00 | 9,780.00 | 4,400.00 | 4,699.10 | 5,772.85 | 12,347.47 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Legal services-dr | 1010,600,2630,1813.88,3358.12,2836.99 | Thousand USD | 1,010.00 | 600.00 | 2,630.00 | 1,813.88 | 3,358.12 | 2,836.99 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, and tax consulting services-dr | 20,30,70,20.05,26.33,9.2 | Thousand USD | 20.00 | 30.00 | 70.00 | 20.05 | 26.33 | 9.20 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Business and management consulting and public relations services-dr | 4390,9150,1700,2865.18,2388.4,9501.28 | Thousand USD | 4,390.00 | 9,150.00 | 1,700.00 | 2,865.18 | 2,388.40 | 9,501.28 |
| 10.2.2 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Advertising, market research, and public opinion polling-dr | 12170,6160,9880,8534.9,4975.42,3844.93 | Thousand USD | 12,170.00 | 6,160.00 | 9,880.00 | 8,534.90 | 4,975.42 | 3,844.93 |
| 10.3 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-dr | 84123,122780,89450,375459.48,84679.3,97768.72 | Thousand USD | 84,123.00 | 122,780.00 | 89,450.00 | 375,459.48 | 84,679.30 | 97,768.72 |
| 10.3.1 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Architectural, engineering, scientific and other technical services-dr | 16460,16900,9520,7009.96,18550.98,18265.29 | Thousand USD | 16,460.00 | 16,900.00 | 9,520.00 | 7,009.96 | 18,550.98 | 18,265.29 |
| 10.3.2 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services- Waste treatment and de-pollution, agricultural and mining services-dr | 20,0,0,3.7,0,3544.23 | Thousand USD | 20.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.70 | 0.00 | 3,544.23 |
| 10.3.3 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Operating leasing services-dr | 10600,15020,14640,8602.44,8550.41,10258.4 | Thousand USD | 10,600.00 | 15,020.00 | 14,640.00 | 8,602.44 | 8,550.41 | 10,258.40 |
| 10.3.4 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Trade-related services-dr | 1479,1718,160,201.04,1358.58,707.72 | Thousand USD | 1,479.00 | 1,718.00 | 160.00 | 201.04 | 1,358.58 | 707.72 |
| 10.3.5 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Other business services n.i.e.-dr | 55564,89142,65130,359642.34,56219.33,64993.07 | Thousand USD | 55,564.00 | 89,142.00 | 65,130.00 | 359,642.34 | 56,219.33 | 64,993.07 |
| 11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-dr | 10,35,40,101.41,12.51,1401.77 | Thousand USD | 10.00 | 35.00 | 40.00 | 101.41 | 12.51 | 1,401.77 |
| 11.1 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 11.1.1 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-Audiovisual services-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 11.1.2 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-Artistic related services-dr | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 11.2 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Other personal, cultural, and recreational services-dr | 10,35,40,101.41,12.51,1401.77 | Thousand USD | 10.00 | 35.00 | 40.00 | 101.41 | 12.51 | 1,401.77 |
| 12 Government goods and services n.i.e.-dr | 12030,30960,38960,69219.05,34640.65,47243.72 | Thousand USD | 12,030.00 | 30,960.00 | 38,960.00 | 69,219.05 | 34,640.65 | 47,243.72 |
| 12.1 Government goods and services n.i.e. -Embassies and consulates-dr | 3960,9540,7160,7791.25,7234.81,18352.83 | Thousand USD | 3,960.00 | 9,540.00 | 7,160.00 | 7,791.25 | 7,234.81 | 18,352.83 |
| 12.2 Government goods and services n.i.e.-Military units and agencies-dr | 140,15260,21600,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 140.00 | 15,260.00 | 21,600.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 12.3 Government goods and services n.i.e.-Other-dr | 7930,6160,10200,61427.8,27405.84,28890.89 | Thousand USD | 7,930.00 | 6,160.00 | 10,200.00 | 61,427.80 | 27,405.84 | 28,890.89 |
| Services Services-Net | -131992,-187030,-164349,-408839.14,-190455.69,-281251.41 | Thousand USD | -131,992.00 | -187,030.00 | -164,349.00 | -408,839.14 | -190,455.69 | -281,251.41 |
| 1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 1.1 Manufacturing -Goods for processing in reporting economy -Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 1.2 Manufacturing -Goods for processing abroad -Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.-Net | -4930,-6960,-4280,-4430.53,-4043.91,-4049.89 | Thousand USD | -4,930.00 | -6,960.00 | -4,280.00 | -4,430.53 | -4,043.91 | -4,049.89 |
| 3 Transport-Net | -259000,-296060,-289040,-268936.15,-306090.24,-302934.52 | Thousand USD | -259,000.00 | -296,060.00 | -289,040.00 | -268,936.15 | -306,090.24 | -302,934.52 |
| 3.1 Sea transport-Net | -181870,-199260,-198760,-193270.06,-205811.81,-199035.92 | Thousand USD | -181,870.00 | -199,260.00 | -198,760.00 | -193,270.06 | -205,811.81 | -199,035.92 |
| 3.1.1 Sea Transport-Passenger-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.1.2 Sea Transport- Freight-Net | -177170,-194350,-194450,-190379.06,-203050.62,-196284.35 | Thousand USD | -177,170.00 | -194,350.00 | -194,450.00 | -190,379.06 | -203,050.62 | -196,284.35 |
| 3.1.3 Sea Transport-Other-Net | -4700,-4910,-4310,-2890.99,-2761.18,-2751.57 | Thousand USD | -4,700.00 | -4,910.00 | -4,310.00 | -2,890.99 | -2,761.18 | -2,751.57 |
| 3.2 Air transport-Net | -67140,-65620,-66420,-57123.21,-82244.48,-81189.25 | Thousand USD | -67,140.00 | -65,620.00 | -66,420.00 | -57,123.21 | -82,244.48 | -81,189.25 |
| 3.2.1 Air transport -Passenger-Net | -68600,-65790,-68630,-59401.49,-77146.57,-77235.2 | Thousand USD | -68,600.00 | -65,790.00 | -68,630.00 | -59,401.49 | -77,146.57 | -77,235.20 |
| 3.2.2 Air transport-Freight-Net | -3090,-3050,-2420,-472.43,-687.7,398.01 | Thousand USD | -3,090.00 | -3,050.00 | -2,420.00 | -472.43 | -687.70 | 398.01 |
| 3.2.3 Air transport-Other-Net | 4550,3220,4630,2750.7,-4410.21,-4352.06 | Thousand USD | 4,550.00 | 3,220.00 | 4,630.00 | 2,750.70 | -4,410.21 | -4,352.06 |
| 3.3 Road transport-Net | -5770,-7610,-10880,-5976.25,-6827.41,-10371.95 | Thousand USD | -5,770.00 | -7,610.00 | -10,880.00 | -5,976.25 | -6,827.41 | -10,371.95 |
| 3.3.1 Road transport-Passenger-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.3.2 Road transport -Freight-Net | -3470,-220,-3830,163.45,167.75,259.09 | Thousand USD | -3,470.00 | -220.00 | -3,830.00 | 163.45 | 167.75 | 259.09 |
| 3.3.3 Road transport- Other-Net | -2300,-7390,-7050,-6139.7,-6995.16,-10631.04 | Thousand USD | -2,300.00 | -7,390.00 | -7,050.00 | -6,139.70 | -6,995.16 | -10,631.04 |
| 3.4 Rail transport-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.1 Rail transport -Passenger-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.2 Rail transport- Freight-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.4.2 Rail transport- Other-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 3.5 Transport-Postal and courier services-Net | -4220,-23570,-12980,-12566.63,-11047.36,-12310.7 | Thousand USD | -4,220.00 | -23,570.00 | -12,980.00 | -12,566.63 | -11,047.36 | -12,310.70 |
| 3.6 Transport -Electricity transmission-Net | 0,0,0,0,-159.18,-26.7 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -159.18 | -26.70 |
| 3.7 Transport-Other supporting and auxiliary transport service-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 4 Travel-Net | -213950,-143990,-143000,-71780.67,-121997.85,-127702.81 | Thousand USD | -213,950.00 | -143,990.00 | -143,000.00 | -71,780.67 | -121,997.85 | -127,702.81 |
| 4.1 Travel-Business-Net | -13470,-80,-380,0,-1123.45,-1310.21 | Thousand USD | -13,470.00 | -80.00 | -380.00 | 0.00 | -1,123.45 | -1,310.21 |
| 4.1.1 Travel-Business -Acquisition of goods and services by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 4.1.2 Travel-Business-Other-Net | -13470,-80,-380,0,-1123.45,-1310.21 | Thousand USD | -13,470.00 | -80.00 | -380.00 | 0.00 | -1,123.45 | -1,310.21 |
| 4.2 Travel -Personal-Net | -200480,-143910,-142620,-71780.67,-120874.4,-126392.6 | Thousand USD | -200,480.00 | -143,910.00 | -142,620.00 | -71,780.67 | -120,874.40 | -126,392.60 |
| 4.2.1 Travel -Personal -Health-related expenditure-Net | 1210,1740,2620,2157.06,1235.44,487.17 | Thousand USD | 1,210.00 | 1,740.00 | 2,620.00 | 2,157.06 | 1,235.44 | 487.17 |
| 4.2.2 Travel -Personal -Education-related expenditure-Net | -28500,-28060,-36510,-57379.23,-56563.02,-51598.26 | Thousand USD | -28,500.00 | -28,060.00 | -36,510.00 | -57,379.23 | -56,563.02 | -51,598.26 |
| 4.2.3 Travel -Personal- Other-Net | -173190,-117590,-108730,-16558.49,-65546.81,-75281.51 | Thousand USD | -173,190.00 | -117,590.00 | -108,730.00 | -16,558.49 | -65,546.81 | -75,281.51 |
| Travel -Personal-Other-Religious travel -Net | -132884,-101311,-88545,-1050.19,-2866.5,-2628.62 | Thousand USD | -132,884.00 | -101,311.00 | -88,545.00 | -1,050.19 | -2,866.50 | -2,628.62 |
| Travel -Personal- Other-Other-Net | -40306,-16279,-20185,-15508.3,-62680.31,-72652.9 | Thousand USD | -40,306.00 | -16,279.00 | -20,185.00 | -15,508.30 | -62,680.31 | -72,652.90 |
| 5 Construction -Net | 1000,-1001,1020,1390.05,3798.77,1794.22 | Thousand USD | 1,000.00 | -1,001.00 | 1,020.00 | 1,390.05 | 3,798.77 | 1,794.22 |
| 5.1 Construction abroad-Net | 1000,-1001,1020,1390.05,4791.81,1794.22 | Thousand USD | 1,000.00 | -1,001.00 | 1,020.00 | 1,390.05 | 4,791.81 | 1,794.22 |
| 5.2 Construction in the compiling economy-Net | 0,0,0,0,-993.03,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -993.03 | 0.00 |
| 6 Insurance and Pension services-Net | -16007,-9008,-21010,-19721.97,-22873.59,-51590.01 | Thousand USD | -16,007.00 | -9,008.00 | -21,010.00 | -19,721.97 | -22,873.59 | -51,590.01 |
| 6.1 Direct Insurance-Net | -1180,70,960,-8317.64,-9575.13,-12663.07 | Thousand USD | -1,180.00 | 70.00 | 960.00 | -8,317.64 | -9,575.13 | -12,663.07 |
| 6.1.1¿ Direct Insurance-Life insurance-Net | 0,180,1210,-105.56,293.72,385.94 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 180.00 | 1,210.00 | -105.56 | 293.72 | 385.94 |
| 6.1.2 Direct Insurance-Freight insurance-Net | -480,-400,-630,-1158.69,-1448.69,-528.69 | Thousand USD | -480.00 | -400.00 | -630.00 | -1,158.69 | -1,448.69 | -528.69 |
| 6.1.3 Direct Insurance-Other direct insurance-Net | -700,290,380,-7053.39,-8420.16,-12520.32 | Thousand USD | -700.00 | 290.00 | 380.00 | -7,053.39 | -8,420.16 | -12,520.32 |
| 6.2 Insurance and Pension services-Reinsurance-Net | -17546,-11164,-23643,-13060.44,-15618.75,-40676.69 | Thousand USD | -17,546.00 | -11,164.00 | -23,643.00 | -13,060.44 | -15,618.75 | -40,676.69 |
| 6.3 Insurance and Pension services-Auxiliary insurance services-Net | 2719,2086,1673,1656.11,2320.28,1749.74 | Thousand USD | 2,719.00 | 2,086.00 | 1,673.00 | 1,656.11 | 2,320.28 | 1,749.74 |
| 6.4 Insurance and Pension services-Pension and standardized guarantee -Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 7 Financial services-Net | -38950,-31993,-32070,-25262.42,-37063.67,-43780.56 | Thousand USD | -38,950.00 | -31,993.00 | -32,070.00 | -25,262.42 | -37,063.67 | -43,780.56 |
| 7.1 Financial services-Explicitly charged and other financial services-Net | -38950,-31993,-32070,-25262.42,-37063.67,-43780.56 | Thousand USD | -38,950.00 | -31,993.00 | -32,070.00 | -25,262.42 | -37,063.67 | -43,780.56 |
| 7.2 Financial services-Financial intermediation service charges indirectly measured (FISIM)-Net | 0,0,0,0,0,0 | Thousand USD | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| 8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.-Net | -12010,-13037,-46000,-26708.61,-20278.58,-28686.72 | Thousand USD | -12,010.00 | -13,037.00 | -46,000.00 | -26,708.61 | -20,278.58 | -28,686.72 |
| 9 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Net | 274930,283020,292080,256149.94,252131.47,256963.53 | Thousand USD | 274,930.00 | 283,020.00 | 292,080.00 | 256,149.94 | 252,131.47 | 256,963.53 |
| 9.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Telecommunications services-Net | 34050,27660,60750,53319.38,35773.66,47986.37 | Thousand USD | 34,050.00 | 27,660.00 | 60,750.00 | 53,319.38 | 35,773.66 | 47,986.37 |
| 9.1.1 Telecommunications services-Call centres-Net | 25139,20868,25833,25441.96,21367.92,23759.09 | Thousand USD | 25,139.00 | 20,868.00 | 25,833.00 | 25,441.96 | 21,367.92 | 23,759.09 |
| 9.1.2 Telecommunications services-Telecommunication services -Net | 8911,6792,34917,27877.42,14405.74,24227.27 | Thousand USD | 8,911.00 | 6,792.00 | 34,917.00 | 27,877.42 | 14,405.74 | 24,227.27 |
| 9.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Net | 237080,254315,230930,203071.61,216484.27,204302.91 | Thousand USD | 237,080.00 | 254,315.00 | 230,930.00 | 203,071.61 | 216,484.27 | 204,302.91 |
| 9.2.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Hardware consultancy services -Net | 100,721,139,569.47,247.29,992.73 | Thousand USD | 100.00 | 721.00 | 139.00 | 569.47 | 247.29 | 992.73 |
| 9.2.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Software consultancy services -Net | 56543,75304,72372,62953.65,67203.32,60029.59 | Thousand USD | 56,543.00 | 75,304.00 | 72,372.00 | 62,953.65 | 67,203.32 | 60,029.59 |
| 9.2.3 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Maintenance & repairs of computer-Net | 6,46,24,31.34,490.75,42.01 | Thousand USD | 6.00 | 46.00 | 24.00 | 31.34 | 490.75 | 42.01 |
| 9.2.4 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Export / Import of Computer Software -Net | 44522,54007,46404,39850.79,38871.09,29037.98 | Thousand USD | 44,522.00 | 54,007.00 | 46,404.00 | 39,850.79 | 38,871.09 | 29,037.98 |
| 9.2.5 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services -Computer services-Other Computer services-Net | 135909,124237,111991,99666.36,109671.83,114200.6 | Thousand USD | 135,909.00 | 124,237.00 | 111,991.00 | 99,666.36 | 109,671.83 | 114,200.60 |
| 9.3 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-Net | 3800,1045,400,-241.06,-126.46,4674.26 | Thousand USD | 3,800.00 | 1,045.00 | 400.00 | -241.06 | -126.46 | 4,674.26 |
| 9.3.1 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-News agency services-Net | 3762,80,258,-293.83,-216.21,4589.19 | Thousand USD | 3,762.00 | 80.00 | 258.00 | -293.83 | -216.21 | 4,589.19 |
| 9.3.2 Telecommunications, Computer, and information services-Information services-Other information services-Net | 38,965,142,52.77,89.75,85.07 | Thousand USD | 38.00 | 965.00 | 142.00 | 52.77 | 89.75 | 85.07 |
| 10 Other business services-Net | 44965,-35046,19961,-270660.32,32145.6,12762.72 | Thousand USD | 44,965.00 | -35,046.00 | 19,961.00 | -270,660.32 | 32,145.60 | 12,762.72 |
| 10.1 Other business services-Research and development services-Net | 2720,3890,2250,2625.81,4094.7,1077.25 | Thousand USD | 2,720.00 | 3,890.00 | 2,250.00 | 2,625.81 | 4,094.70 | 1,077.25 |
| 10.2 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Net | 17080,17870,20100,19872.16,24677.28,22625.72 | Thousand USD | 17,080.00 | 17,870.00 | 20,100.00 | 19,872.16 | 24,677.28 | 22,625.72 |
| 10.2.1 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Net | 18930,14940,19670,19607.71,21151.58,17484.03 | Thousand USD | 18,930.00 | 14,940.00 | 19,670.00 | 19,607.71 | 21,151.58 | 17,484.03 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Legal services-Net | 670,1540,-210,-468.07,-1887.01,-1281.91 | Thousand USD | 670.00 | 1,540.00 | -210.00 | -468.07 | -1,887.01 | -1,281.91 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, and tax consulting services-Net | 6530,3330,5730,7821.14,4864.65,4693.9 | Thousand USD | 6,530.00 | 3,330.00 | 5,730.00 | 7,821.14 | 4,864.65 | 4,693.90 |
| Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations-Business and management consulting and public relations services-Net | 11730,10070,14150,12254.63,18173.94,14072.04 | Thousand USD | 11,730.00 | 10,070.00 | 14,150.00 | 12,254.63 | 18,173.94 | 14,072.04 |
| 10.2.2 Other business services-Professional and management consulting services-Advertising, market research, and public opinion polling-Net | -1850,2930,430,264.45,3525.7,5141.68 | Thousand USD | -1,850.00 | 2,930.00 | 430.00 | 264.45 | 3,525.70 | 5,141.68 |
| 10.3 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Net | 25165,-56806,-2389,-293158.29,3373.62,-10940.25 | Thousand USD | 25,165.00 | -56,806.00 | -2,389.00 | -293,158.29 | 3,373.62 | -10,940.25 |
| 10.3.1 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Architectural, engineering, scientific and other technical services-Net | -4210,-10710,-1140,-96.69,-9983.6,-9202.27 | Thousand USD | -4,210.00 | -10,710.00 | -1,140.00 | -96.69 | -9,983.60 | -9,202.27 |
| 10.3.2 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services- Waste treatment and de-pollution, agricultural and mining services-Net | -20,20,0,341.99,47.2,-3514.97 | Thousand USD | -20.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 341.99 | 47.20 | -3,514.97 |
| 10.3.3 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Operating leasing services-Net | -10600,-15020,-14630,-8582.37,-8550.17,-10257.18 | Thousand USD | -10,600.00 | -15,020.00 | -14,630.00 | -8,582.37 | -8,550.17 | -10,257.18 |
| 10.3.4 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Trade-related services-Net | -1367,-1695,-104,2737.91,1160,659.76 | Thousand USD | -1,367.00 | -1,695.00 | -104.00 | 2,737.91 | 1,160.00 | 659.76 |
| 10.3.5 Other business services-Technical, trade-related and other business services-Other business services n.i.e.-Net | 41362,-29401,13485,-287559.13,20700.2,11374.41 | Thousand USD | 41,362.00 | -29,401.00 | 13,485.00 | -287,559.13 | 20,700.20 | 11,374.41 |
| 11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Net | 2000,1975,1940,2353.64,2027.86,1235.36 | Thousand USD | 2,000.00 | 1,975.00 | 1,940.00 | 2,353.64 | 2,027.86 | 1,235.36 |
| 11.1 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-Net | 1120,1210,1230,1401.81,1450.39,755.91 | Thousand USD | 1,120.00 | 1,210.00 | 1,230.00 | 1,401.81 | 1,450.39 | 755.91 |
| 11.1.1 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-Audiovisual services-Net | 1116,1210,1225,1401.27,1449.85,755.37 | Thousand USD | 1,116.00 | 1,210.00 | 1,225.00 | 1,401.27 | 1,449.85 | 755.37 |
| 11.1.2 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Audiovisual and related services-Artistic related services-Net | 4,0,5,.54,.54,.54 | Thousand USD | 4.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 | 0.54 | 0.54 | 0.54 |
| 11.2 Personal, cultural, and recreational services-Other personal, cultural, and recreational services-Net | 880,765,710,951.83,577.47,479.45 | Thousand USD | 880.00 | 765.00 | 710.00 | 951.83 | 577.47 | 479.45 |
| 12 Government goods and services n.i.e.-Net | 89960,65070,56050,18767.9,31788.45,4737.28 | Thousand USD | 89,960.00 | 65,070.00 | 56,050.00 | 18,767.90 | 31,788.45 | 4,737.28 |
| 12.1 Government goods and services n.i.e. -Embassies and consulates-Net | 7790,2000,-1660,3836.75,7098.21,-10358.73 | Thousand USD | 7,790.00 | 2,000.00 | -1,660.00 | 3,836.75 | 7,098.21 | -10,358.73 |
| 12.2 Government goods and services n.i.e.-Military units and agencies-Net | 28860,-14860,-12930,21701.18,2665.12,680.81 | Thousand USD | 28,860.00 | -14,860.00 | -12,930.00 | 21,701.18 | 2,665.12 | 680.81 |
| 12.3 Government goods and services n.i.e.-Other-Net | 53310,77930,70640,-6770.02,22025.12,14415.2 | Thousand USD | 53,310.00 | 77,930.00 | 70,640.00 | -6,770.02 | 22,025.12 | 14,415.20 |
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