Dataset Series (showing observations of recent periods)
ViewSeries NameGraphUnitJun-2021Jul-2021Aug-2021Sep-2021Jun-2022Jun-2023
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.GTHGOSECAll Securities Holding by bank and Non-Bank - Grand Total15683.87,16307.55,16074.39,16207.48,21084.5,29378.6Billion PKR 15,683.87 16,307.55 16,074.39 16,207.48 21,084.50 29,378.60
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.PIBHGTOT      A. Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs) - Grand Total8044.74,7561.82,7857.47,8317.55,11595.3,16227.6Billion PKR 8,044.74 7,561.82 7,857.47 8,317.55 11,595.30 16,227.60
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.PIBHBANK            Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)-Scheduled Banks5821.6,5406.82,5638.09,6065.45,8952.6,12429.5Billion PKR 5,821.60 5,406.82 5,638.09 6,065.45 8,952.60 12,429.50
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.PIBHNBTO            Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)-Non-Banks / Corporates - Total2223.14,2155,2219.38,2252.1,2642.7,3798.1Billion PKR 2,223.14 2,155.00 2,219.38 2,252.10 2,642.70 3,798.10
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.PIBHINSU                  Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)-Non-Banks / Corporates-Insurance Cos1036.34,936.89,999.68,1090.75,1165.7,1275.3Billion PKR 1,036.34 936.89 999.68 1,090.75 1,165.70 1,275.30
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.PIBHCOFU                  Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)-Non-Banks / Corporates-Funds365.32,346.95,347.91,351.12,618.6,979Billion PKR 365.32 346.95 347.91 351.12 618.60 979.00
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.PIBHCOOT                  Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)-Non-Banks / Corporates-Corporates / Others821.48,871.16,871.79,810.23,858.4,1543.7Billion PKR 821.48 871.16 871.79 810.23 858.40 1,543.70
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.GISHGTOT      B. GOP Ijara Sukuk (GIS) - Grand Total665.26,665.26,665.25,665.26,2279.8,3150.6Billion PKR 665.26 665.26 665.25 665.26 2,279.80 3,150.60
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.GISHBANK            GOP Ijara Sukuk (GIS)-Scheduled Banks600.91,603.39,602.95,603.77,2136,2930.5Billion PKR 600.91 603.39 602.95 603.77 2,136.00 2,930.50
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.GISHNBTO            GOP Ijara Sukuk (GIS)-Non-Banks / Corporates - Total64.34,61.87,62.3,61.48,143.8,220.1Billion PKR 64.34 61.87 62.30 61.48 143.80 220.10
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.GISHINSU                  GOP Ijara Sukuk (GIS)-Non-Banks / Corporates-Insurance Cos4.56,12.86,13.66,14,27.1,61.9Billion PKR 4.56 12.86 13.66 14.00 27.10 61.90
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.GISHCOFU                  GOP Ijara Sukuk (GIS)-Non-Banks / Corporates-Funds27.98,26.15,25.32,23.91,27.2,70.9Billion PKR 27.98 26.15 25.32 23.91 27.20 70.90
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.GISHCOOT                  GOP Ijara Sukuk (GIS)-Non-Banks/Corporates-Corporates/Others31.81,22.85,23.32,23.58,89.5,87.3Billion PKR 31.81 22.85 23.32 23.58 89.50 87.30
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.MTBHGTOT      C. Market Treasury Bills (MTBs) - Grand Total6973.87,8080.48,7551.67,7224.67,7209,10000.5Billion PKR 6,973.87 8,080.48 7,551.67 7,224.67 7,209.00 10,000.50
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.MTBHBANK            Market Treasury Bills (MTBs)-Scheduled Banks6115.4,6827.66,6332.47,6204.98,5796.7,5509.6Billion PKR 6,115.40 6,827.66 6,332.47 6,204.98 5,796.70 5,509.60
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.MTBHNBTO            Market Treasury Bills (MTBs)-Non-Banks / Corporates - Total858.47,1252.81,1219.2,1019.69,1412.6,4490.9Billion PKR 858.47 1,252.81 1,219.20 1,019.69 1,412.60 4,490.90
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.MTBHINSU                  Market Treasury Bills (MTBs)-Non-Banks / Corporates-Insurance Cos79.41,141.72,134.28,99.64,200.9,313.3Billion PKR 79.41 141.72 134.28 99.64 200.90 313.30
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.MTBHCOFU                  Market Treasury Bills (MTBs)-Non-Banks / Corporates-Funds139.32,408.26,255.48,197.16,191.1,922.4Billion PKR 139.32 408.26 255.48 197.16 191.10 922.40
Series Key = TS_GP_PKDP_GOVTMS_M.MTBHCOOT                  Market Treasury Bills (MTBs)-Non-Banks / Corporates-Corporates/Others639.73,702.84,829.44,722.89,1020.6,3255.1Billion PKR 639.73 702.84 829.44 722.89 1,020.60 3,255.10
row(s) 1 - 19 of 19
Dataset Overview
Business AreaPakistan's Debt Profile
Dataset NameBank and Non-Bank holding of Government Marketable Securities
Dataset DescriptionThe dataset provides outstanding position (of face value) of marketable Government securities held by banks and non-banking institutions including insurance companies, Funds, corporates and others as on last day of the reference month. The securities issuance is a critical source of funding the government. The data is used by policy makers to assess and enhance the effectiveness, scope and efficiency of the government debt market.
Data SourceState Bank of Pakistan
Data FrequencyMonthly
Available SinceJan-2010
Available UptoJun-2023
Last Refresh Date25-Sep-2023

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