Weighted Average rate of Private banks on Fresh Deposits excl. 0 Markup
Unit: Percent

Series Level Information
Reference DatasetWeighted Average Lending and Deposit Rates
Series Short NameWAR_Priv_Banks_FD_ex.0
Series NameWeighted Average rate of Private banks on Fresh Deposits excl. 0 Markup
Series DescriptionThis data gives weighted average lending and deposit rates of all scheduled banks operating in Pakistan on various parameters. Banks are divided into 4 different types: Public, Private, Foreign, and Specialized. This data shows separate numbers for flows and stocks for both loans and deposits. So, GD means Gross Disbursements, FD means Fresh Deposits, OL means Outstanding Loans and OD means Outstanding Deposits. Further classifications pertain to markup rates and interbank/non-interbank transactions. Rates are shown separately including and excluding interbank transactions for both loans and deposits. "Incl. 0 markup" means transactions priced at 0 markup (for both loans and deposits) have been included in the calculation of the rate. Same for "excl. 0 markup".
Data FrequencyMonthly
Variable TypeRatio/Percentage/Index
Available Since -
Available UptoJul-2024
Last Refresh Date21-Aug-2024
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